About us

Mao Fusina

Città infinita Italy

Maurizio (Mao) Fusina lives in Galbiate (Lecco); He studied Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Milan, and his thesis was about the relationship between space and playing activities. After graduating, he decided that “he would never build houses, but relationships between people, and relationships between people and things around them”. He has collaborated with MUBA (Milan children’s museum), designing and conducting workshops for schools and famílies, based on the use of industrial residues, inspired by the REMIDA project. Currently he designs and produces training courses for teachers on the use of unconventional materials and informal processes in education. He also collaborates with the University of Milan as a workshop creator for the faculty of Education Sciences. He has designed cultural itineraries for schools and families in the museum of Istituto degli Innocenti (Florence), Museo delle Culture (Milan) and in Chini Lab. (Borgo San Lorenzo children’s museum in Tuscany). He is the creator of Città infinita and designer of Metroquadro and Arcobaleno games, produced by Milaniwood. He loves paragliding, he lives with Claudia and he is father of Lorenzo and Maddalena.

Roberta Genova

Città infinita Spain

Roberta Genova was born in Sicily, Syracuse. Once graduated in Communication Sciences, she began working for various advertising and events agencies between Rome and Palermo. Meanwhile she collaborated with the University of Palermo and Enna as teacher of Visual Communication and Perception for the Faculty of Education Sciences. In 2009 she started a PhD in Design and Visual Expression at the University of Architecture of Palermo, investigating the field of children’s museums. During the research she had the opportunity to travel throughout Europe, to learn the best experiences in the world of education and creativity. In 2013, after completing her PhD, she started implementing new projects in this field, including a wonderful Città Infinita in Palermo. In 2013 she moved to Barcelona and began to build the first Città Infinita abroad in Catalonia (Spain).
She lives in El Masnou with her family, Mirco, Lorenzo and Louis.

Méline Dutriévoz

Città infinita France

Educator of young children and tutor, she guides both children and their parents and professionals by working for the development of young and old. Méline sows their path with her knowledge, her reflections, her questions, making the journey richer, more flowery, more natural too. Méline delivers her pedagogical approach through Slow pedagogy: an accompaniment of early childhood where all the richness is in the simplicity of exploration and in the pleasure of shared time. Méline is passionate about designing educational workshops. It is said of her that she is a real “suggestion box”! With its Ebullarium structure, it imagines and deploys playful and innovative installations that allow children to develop their creativity and ingenuity. It was her inexhaustible curiosity that led Méline to Mao and Roberta. What a great meeting!

Distanced by miles but so close in their pedagogical convictions, Méline is very happy to be part of the “La Citta Infinita” family.

She lives in the Vercors mountains with Joseph, Siméon, Adélie and Gaspard.